Are Turkey Burgers Really More Healthy Than Beef

Ground turkey and footing beef both have their benefits merely is one healthier than the other? Here a dietitian breaks down the nutrition profile of both to help you decide.

Hailed as the amend-for-you selection for decades, ground turkey has become the default salubrious stand-in for basis beef. Desire healthier burgers? Swap in ground turkey. A bacteria meatloaf? Ground turkey. Lower calorie taco meat? Turkey.

Generally speaking, basis turkey is leaner than standard footing beef, a nutritional advantage, specially when it comes to heart health, but this protein selection tin can leave something to exist desired in the flavor and texture department. If you've ever chewed your way through a dry out and flavorless turkey burger, you lot know what nosotros're talking nigh. Nosotros might be left wondering, is this poly peptide swap worth information technology? Is ground turkey good for you compared to beef, and if and so, how can we make ground turkey recipes more delicious? Let's break information technology all down and find out.

Gound beef next to ground turkey on a designed background

Credit: Adobe Stock / studybos

Is ground turkey healthier than ground beef?

How healthy is ground turkey? Getting to the answer is not as straightforward every bit you lot might call back. We demand to level the playing field and compare ground turkey and ground beef of similar lean meat to fat ratios.

Y'all've seen a variety of footing beef and footing turkey options in your grocer'southward meat department. Depending on the cut of beefiness used, footing beef contains betwixt 25 and thirty percent fat, or as little as vii percent fat when made from bacteria cuts, like sirloin. Most ground turkey is made from a combination of calorie-free and dark meat, coming in effectually 7 percent fat. Very lean ground turkey is made from turkey chest and can incorporate equally picayune every bit ane percentage fat.

First, permit's compare one of the more common varieties of basis beef available (70% lean, thirty% fat) with basis turkey (93% lean, 7% fat).

  • 235 calories
  • 22g poly peptide
  • 16g fat
  • half dozen.2g saturated fat
  • 75mg cholesterol
  • 0 k carbohydrates
  • 69mg sodium
  • 2mg iron
  • 181 calories
  • 23g poly peptide
  • 10g fat
  • two.5g saturated fat
  • 88mg cholesterol
  • 0mg carbohydrates
  • 77mg sodium
  • ane.3mg iron

Choosing the ground turkey saves almost fifty calories and cuts saturated fat by more than one-half. From a nutrition perspective, ground turkey is the winner. Merely what happens when we trade the 70/30 ground beefiness for a 93/vii variety?

  • 178 calories
  • 25g protein
  • 8g fat
  • three.3g saturated fat
  • 76mg cholesterol
  • 0mg carbohydrates
  • 73mg sodium
  • two.7mg iron

When the lean meat to fat ratio of ground beef and ground turkey is the same, their nutrition profiles are very like. The lean ground beef contains virtually 25 percent more saturated fat (a deviation of about i gram for a 3-ounce serving), is lower in total fat and cholesterol, and is slightly higher in protein and iron, compared to the turkey.

Ground turkey vs. ground beef—who wins?

The reply? It's sort of a toss-upward. Whether you snag footing turkey or footing beef on your side by side grocery run should ultimately depend on a few things—health goals, upkeep and taste preferences.

Keeping tabs on saturated fat for center health? Lean ground turkey is the better choice.

If you lot're watching your grocery spend, the leaner the ground beef variety, the higher the price tag (usually). Opt for ground turkey when yous're on a budget, or stock up and freeze lean ground beefiness when information technology's on sale.

Of class, consider your tastebuds. Lean ground turkey is milder in flavor and less likely to dry out when mixed with other ingredients. Ground beef has a more distinctive flavour, and then if you're craving a beef burger or archetype meatballs, become for beef, keeping the lean-to-fat ratio in heed. Or, use a philharmonic of the 2 in your fave dishes.

And while you don't have to give up meat to eat more sustainably, the production of poultry products may have less of an bear upon on greenhouse gas emissions compared to beef.

What to make with ground turkey

sesame honey basis turkey meatloaves

Lean ground turkey is a super versatile poly peptide that works well in lots of recipes. It can exist used interchangeably with ground beef, and won't dry with some simple tricks. Here are a few height-rated salubrious ground turkey recipes to keep on hand.

Lesser line

Ultimately, your personal health goals are what will determine whether basis turkey or basis beef is the amend pick for you. If you're looking to experience more satisfied later on meals or are trying to lose weight, both lean ground turkey or lean ground beef piece of work well. If you're eating for a salubrious center, lean basis turkey—which is lower is saturated fatty—is the improve option for you. Of course you lot can still bask ground beefiness from time to time, just choosing lean ground turkey more often will help your eye in the long run. If it comes downwardly to upkeep, basis turkey is often the cheaper option. And of course, taste preference comes into play, too. The bottom line—both tin can be function of a good for you diet.


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