Reddit Trump Will Win Again in 2020

Is it conceivable that former President Donald Trump could be the Republican candidate for the 2024 elections?

Apologises: (1) I know information technology is very early to even consider the Republican presidential candidate.

(two) I know Mr Trump is a very divisive character and I mean no offence with the topic.

Equally a Brit I do follow American Politics a chip only I am very much a novice.

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level 1

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level 2

Considering that he's actively holding rallies even now, if the Republicans don't nominate him I guarantee that he volition run as an independent or with whatever party will take him.

level 2

Though it's not overwhelmingly probable that he will be their candidate, in that location isn't a candidate that'south more than likely to get the nomination. However, there are other candidates that, if nominated, are more likely to produce an election-nighttime victory for Republicans.

level ii

Merely hopefully not probable.

level 2

Yes but if he doesn't secure the nod he'll be back in 2028.

Facepalms are costless everybody

level 2

I remember a lot hinges in the upcoming primaries and Midterms.

If a lot of his endorsements lose, he might decide it'due south not worth it.

Hell, Trump could royally screw up a Republic comeback in Georgia if Kemp wins the primaries and he tells his supporters to stay home once more.

That also probable ways the Democratic Senator will besides win re-election.

level ii

yes. I've quit underestimating the stupidity, gerrymandering skills, and blatant racism tendencies of the right besides as give much less credit to the lefts ability to come together and vote strategically and intelligently (and this includes primaries and full general elections) when the fries are downwardly.

level 2

It's not but believable but there's a good chance he wins. America is screwed either mode. Democrats are ineffective at governing since their donors are billionaires and corporations and all of the promises they campaigned upon helps the working course and doesn't help the donor form and donors come first. When it really comes down to what actually gets passed in Congress it'southward e'er something that helps the rich.

level 1

Fifty-fifty if he isn't the Republican nominee I see him running as independent or something else anyway. Similar information technology or not he will exist a major part of the story next election season.

level 2

Are you thinking in that location's a scenario where he wants, but does not get, the nomination? I get the impression he's the presumptive nominee.

level 2

I think a lot of that volition depend on how well his endorsements fare in the midterms, and there are reasons to suspect that won't go well.

If the midterms bear witness he isn't the kingmaker he thinks he is, that could seriously undermine his example for a candidacy and his influence on the election.

level 2

Oh I hope, so much, that he runs as an contained. It would separate the Republicans votes, and give the Dems some much needed victories.

level ii

Best case scenario is he pulls a Ross Perot and splits the vote. Hopefully the DNC runs a candidate that is slightly risky just has really skilful policies that aren't the same neocon distill that the DNC and GOP typically run


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